
Left Plastic Right Nature



Vietnam Young Lion | Film & Integrated


Advertise “Trash Recycling”

Introduce a new and simple way for people to dispose trash so they’re automatically recycled, so no extra “trash” ads would be recirculated.


Our muted ad series


The Manifesto

Full Presentation and Q&A w. Judges



Copywriter: Kien Nguyen, Quyen Tran
Art Director:
Kien Nguyen, Quyen Tran

It’s the Awards cliche, but if I have to share anything, I just want to thank
The people who made this possible.
Thank my mom and dad to come and watch their son at his best and worst.
Thank my partner in crime, Quyen B. Tran, for everything!
Thank anh Khoa for passing me “Steal like an artist” so that I can learn from
So many more heroes!
Thank David Droga for “Do the right thing”, Lee Clow for “Do the brave thing,”
And John Hegarty for your “Simple Truths.”
Thank Dave Trott for CATCH IT, BIN IT, KILL IT.
Juan Pena & Ricardo Casal, Jeff & Jose Ramirez, anh Trong Nguyen, and Trung Bui
For setting the bar for Young Lion winners.
Boss Thanh Ngo, Tien Bac, Dinosaur Vietnam, and Ki Saigon for setting the bar
For great local works. And to thank my younger self to believe in himself!